Sunday, January 2, 2011

Reading Response #3

Byron, Poetics and History, By Jane Stabler of Cambridge University.
In the article, Byron, Poetics and History I think that Jane Stable’s goal is to make it simple for us to understand, and to put his life in a nutshell for us. She also seems to be putting more of her opinion in the article than anything. A lot of her writing is related to the historical debates of Byron’s time. Stabler responds to some recent studies of publishing and audienceing Romantic period which I don’t know if I’m right but I think she is saying this because maybe she thinks that it doesn’t need to be anymore publisized, Stabler says that Byron’s politics developed in response to contemporary (the current conditions at his time influenced the way he wrote and what ever it mat be that he decided he wanted to write.) culture and history. In that statement she is explaining to us how Byron, or anyone for that matter thinks of what they want to write about or our writing style. In my opinion the answer is it’s the way you were raised, whats going on around you at the time you decided you want to write. I think that this article is perfect for my blog entery’s because the article in a sense is talking about what his up bringing was and how it relates to his writing, poems and memoirs.  it seemed like the article was for her to put her questions out there and while writing them down and publishing them figuring out the answers to them. Although she didn’t answer all of her questions it seems like she on a mission to figure each and every one of them out. There is one sentence from the article that went with one of my blogs. She describes that Don Juan is his greatest poem and got him a lot of fame. She also explains he received a lot of his information from British politics. It the sense that he wrote about the drama in Britain. And how sneaky and cut throat the people were back then. Like for example a quote from the saying is “unpublished letters between Byron’s publisher’s and his friends revealing a powerful impulse among his contemporaries (friends, peer group) to direct his controversial poetic style to their own political ends.” Basically the author is explaining to us that these people were taking Byron’s words and using them to advance in whatever it is that they are trying to accomplish. He was being tricked and used for his brilliance. 
I think this article makes a lot of sense and it pretty much hit the target in facts. I’ve done a lot of research on Byron. And everything that Jane Stabler said reminded me in someway about my blog posts. For example I think she is talking about privacy in her article, I believe that Lord Byron was a very secretive person. He liked his privacy. I would imagine that he would at least just because he had to keep a lot of events in his like quiet. And Jane Stabler is talking about how sometimes poets don’t want there stuff out in the open. I also believe that she did a good job because she also covered the negatives in his life. Which there were a lot. He had ups and downs but it didn’t seem like he lived with regrets. He just wrote. Lord Byron took the experiences of his life and turned them into poetry that the world will never leave behind.

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